Baseline Happiness

Apr 03, 2024

If you already have a solid self development routine where you eat clean, train hard, build your business, work on yourself and you’re proud of yourself…

Chances are you’re already very near peak happiness.

You just haven’t realized it because you’ve been laser focused on the goal, and living part time in the future.

Of course it’s not bad to be goal oriented.

It’s good.

But you will eventually look back when you achieved the goal and realize this.

More money will just allow you to buy more cook stuff and experiences, which make life more spicy and epic

But for me baseline happiness comes from the daily self development routine as I work towards my goals.

I believe I am just as happy now, than 10 years ago when I started my business and my self development.

I would say, the exact same level of happiness.

The difference is…

Before I was still kinda broke lol.

Now I have the freedom, my dream car, cool watches, travel etc…

Everything I wanted.

So why the SAME level of happiness if right now I have more “success”?

Because back then I was also training karate, I was crushing the gym, I was working on my business daily and feeling excited about every small win.

I was working on myself daily and experiencing progress.

Progress is just progress.

Going from your first $100 —> $1,000 gives the same dopamine pump than going from your first $10k to —> $100k.

Even if $100k is objectively a much better outcome and you can do more with it.

The body will give you the same chemical pumps regardless of the numbers.

The body doesn’t give you more of less chemical reactions depending on the dollar amount.

It can’t really differentiate them.

If you’ve never made $1 online, and you make a $1,000 sale, the body might give you the same pump as someone with a net worth of $100k that just got to $1M.


I would argue that the $1,000 pump from your first big win is much more intense, dopamine wise than from getting to $1M.


Baseline happiness can be consistent and predictable when it comes from the daily routine and doing things you feel excited about.

Happiness spikes will usually come from achieving the goals and outcomes throughout the process.

And then comes back down to baseline happiness (the routine).

This is the data that I have from my 10 year process.

I like to see myself as an experiment.

And analyze like if I was a 3rd person scientist analyzing my process.

Talk soon,

- Sebastian