Why Showing Results Is A Good Thing
Apr 03, 2024
When you show results online, there will be 2 types of people:
Person A: The people that think you’re bragging and feel envy.
Person B: The people that get inspired.
People that think you’re bragging will always be a higher %, and those that get inspired will be a smaller %.
Results can be your 6 pack ripped body, your car, your lifestyle, your screenshots, your watch, your vacations or whatever…
I believe that showing your results is a good thing, and if you don’t do it you’re doing a disservice to the smaller % of people that would get inspired by them.
When you show results you inspire.
When you show results you get more credibility and authority.
When you show results people take your word more seriously, because it’s backed up by undeniable proof.
If you don’t show results, you may be perceived as just another guy/girl on the internet giving life advice that you got from ChatGPT.
No one listens and pays attention to what you have to say.
And the other person that said the exact same thing as you, will get their attention just because they were in a position of authority.
There is something called in marketing called the Authority Figure.
You need to become the authority figure.
When people pay attention, they are more likely to execute the information and as a result chage their life.
Therefore, if you don’t share your results, and you don’t inspire, you help indirectly help less people.
You can’t image how many young guys in their early 20’s DM me telling me how they are working hard because they want a car like mine.
Or to travel like sometimes I show in my stories etc… Or simply escape the system and be truly free.
They think:
“If this guy from Costa Rica, who started in high school knowing nothing, cwho looks just like me, could make it work, then I can too.”
These posts get them to take massive imperfect action.
As a result their lives improve, and their families have a better life and more freedom.
The people that feel envy are people that see you as a threat to their own self image.
You are a reflection of everything they want, but decide to not pursue.
This is not your problem, it’s their own internal problem they need to deal with.
You can’t do anything about it.
Showing results to inspire is different than bragging.
Bragging is:
“Look at what I got and you don’t HAHA”.
Inspiring is:
“These are the results I’ve been able to get with this process, here’s how you can do it too if you put in the work.”
If the second statement is perceived as bragging, which is clearly not, then as I said, it’s not your problem.
Don’t feel bad for getting some Status Delta out there.
Go show off a little bit more.
Nothing wrong with that.
Talk soon,
- Sebastian